Longmont Himalayas Lions Club immediate past president awarded with ‘International President’s Award’

Longmont Himalayas Lions Club immediate past president awarded with ‘International President’s Award’
Community News

In 2016, Longmont Himalayas Lions Club was established, without this name the establishment could not be possible was charterer member and founding secretary Pramod Shrestha, who is currently helping community as Colorado lions state environment chairperson.

Last Saturday, Lion Shrestha was awarded with ‘International President’s Award’ in CO-6 NE District cabinet meeting. District Governor Lion Carol Lambert honored Lion Shrestha with medal and the letter written by President of Lions International. Cabinet meeting was held at Everest Restaurant in Longment, Colorado.

When we asked award winner Lion Shrestha on getting award, he said all this is possible of team work and it is just start and we have long way to go. Lions Shrestha also share his thank you to his family, and friends and said “This award is not only for me, but also for our club.”

Lion Shrestha was president of Longmont Himalayas Lions Club 2017-2018.

The meeting was host by Longmont Himalayas Lions Club. Club president Bikal Parajuli said that with this type of recognition will encourage Nepali community to join Lions and help the community as much as possible.

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